Mololine Shuttle Online Booking, Contacts, Routes, & Prices

Mololine Shuttle online booking, contact number, routes, prices, and other important information is what you will find in this article. Are you traveling from Nakuru to any major town in Kenya? Traveling by Mololine Shuttle is the best shuttle for you. Finish reading Mololine Shuttle online booking guide to learn everything you need to book…

Mololine Shuttle online booking, contact number, routes, prices, and other important information is what you will find in this article.

Are you traveling from Nakuru to any major town in Kenya? Traveling by Mololine Shuttle is the best shuttle for you. Finish reading Mololine Shuttle online booking guide to learn everything you need to book a ride with Mololine Shuttle.

About Mololine Shuttle

Mololine Shuttle which was founded in 1994 started its operations in 1995. The reputable transport company is popular for its excellent transport services from Nakuru to many towns in Kenya. Some of the towns plied by Mololine Shuttle include Nairobi, Kabarnet, Kitale, Naivasha, Kericho, Eldoret, Kisumu,  and so on.

Although the shuttle is not so big, Mololine Shuttle ensures passengers’ comfort. This is done by using a Matatus capable of carrying 16 to 18 passengers to carry 12 passengers. Also, the Matatus Shuttle which is capable of carrying 14 passengers is used to carry 10 passengers. Thus, the passengers’ seats are very spacious and comfortable.

In addition, Mololine Shuttle provides luxurious facilities for passengers during the Journey. Some of these include air conditioners, flat screens, charging sockets, Wi-Fi, speakers, and sound systems.

Furthermore, Mololine Shuttle drivers are courteous with good driving skills without speeding excessively. With excellent customer relations and quality services, Mololine Shuttle remains one of the best bus Companies in Kenya.

Mololine Shuttle Online Booking and Tickets

Unlike Simba Coach and many other sophisticated bus companies, Mololine Shuttle doesn’t provide online booking services. Hence, there is no way to perform Mololine Shuttle online booking.

The bus company does not accept upfront bookings. To book a ticket, you need to visit the offices when you are ready or call any of their contacts.

Despite the excellent services rendered, the bus company does not offer online booking services. Therefore, you need to call Mololine Shuttle contacts or visit their nearest office to book a ticket.

Mololine Shuttle Prices and Schedule

As mentioned earlier, Mololine Shuttle is a small bus company offering quality transport services without sophistication. They do not have any scheduled trips or upfront bookings.

The buses moved anytime it is filled up and there are no operating hours. In addition, Mololine Shuttle works at night and anytime depending on the number of people traveling at the time.

Concerning Mololine Shuttle prices, there are no fixed prices. Bear in mind that the average price is between Ksh 500 to Ksh 1000 depending on the time, destination, and the bus company.

Mololine Shuttle Contacts and Offices

Since Mololine Shuttle online booking is not available, the only way to book a ride with the bus company is to visit any of their offices or call Mololine Shuttle contact number. Find below the various Mololine Shuttle Contacts and offices.

Mololine Shuttle Nairobi Contact

Physical Address: P. O. Box 34700, Nairobi,

Contact: +254 722 735607

Mololine Shuttle Nakuru Contact & Office

Address: P.O.Box: 13668 – 20100, Bus Stage, Jomo Kenyatta Hwy, Nakuru

Landline: +254 208 333 9296

Phone Numbers: +254 722 761 512, 711 341 093,  +254-051-2215529, +2540733778935, +254722735607, +254-203556368

Read Also: Tahmeed Coach Online Booking, Contacts, Fares, and Offices

Final Thoughts About Mololine Shuttle Online Booking and Contacts

There have been a lot of positive reviews concerning the bus company showing that they offer quality services at affordable prices.

Therefore, traveling by Mololine Shuttle promises to be stress-free except that you can not perform any booking online but visit their office.

Have you traveled with Mololine Shuttle before? Share your experience with us via the comments section.

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