Take note of these, pieces of information or every piece of information you find on this portal (Kenyinfo.com) be its blog content, property listings, images, texts, graphic designs, or even programming languages e.g. codes like (JAVA, HTML, Javascript, Flash contents amongst other intellectual property of Kenya Minded.

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Note this: Because we have allowed our website visitors to view our contents freely doesn’t in any way give the right to exploit Kenyinfo industrial property rights and there will be strict legal obligations against anyone found infringing on this or violating it.

We also need to let you know that we at Kenya Minded do not warrant access to our portal and the contents therein as error-free, nor do we warrant that the site is up-to-date because updating requires time. Nevertheless, we will always try to get our content updated when we are chanced to do so.

Similarly, Kenya Minded will not take the liability or responsibility for information displayed on other websites which have a hyperlink to this website, they own their personal disclaimer and privacy policy which means we are not in any way related.

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